The first thing that K noticed about AR's original paintings was that AR's arts, including prints, have the same nature of music and literature, and take time like they do.
 As a child, K loved paintings as well as music and literature, and as he grew up, he noticed that paintings, different from music and literature, don't take much time, which made K puzzled a bit. After he grew up, he visited The Louvre, The Orsay,. The Uffizi and many other museums, whete he saw a lot of paintings he longed for, and got satisfied in ten minuites. K wondered if he was exceptionally indifferent, looked around, and often found that he was the last person seeing the painting. It must require as much talent, effort, and time to create masterpieces of painting. Why does the painting take our time so humbly?
 It remained an unsolved mystery for K for a long time, and gradually made K be persuaded that it is the nature of the painting. Then, K encountered AR's originals and got breathlless. Beauty after beauty, discovery after discovery, and it took more than half an hour or even hours before K could be content temporalily. Painting, music, and literature got integrated as one art for the first time in K though AR's art.
 AR's art world is amazingly vast and varied. AR categorizes his art into as many as 20 themes. ARK website introduces 5 of them to you.